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This piece is based on “Hot Food” and in “Strict”, two children stories in video format made and narrated by Michael Rosen. These stories can be found on the YouTube Channel - “Kids’ Poems and Stories with Michael Rosen”.


“Hot Food” is related with the first part of the piece title - “Nice” - where a story about a child that becomes frustrated with his dad after he burnt himself eating potatoes during dinner, in spite of several warnings from his family.


In the second video, “Strict, which is related with the second part of the piece title - “No Breathing”, is about a survival story of a child, that had a teacher was so, so strict that she prevented her students from breathing during class, and if they did it, they were sent directly to school prison, however, most of them simply died during the class…

( 22 / 06 / 21 )     Premiered at Café-Concerto ( ESMAE ) by Tiago Sousa

( 13 / 06 / 21 )    Played at Teatro Helena Sá e Costa ( ESMAE ) by Tiago Sousa

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